Wednesday, February 3, 2010



String said...

Now I like that what a great composition. Been there in a dream, or somewhere very similar.

Sara said...

me too! we must visit similar dreamscapes. all my dreams are about buildings and most of them are falling over. :) ...maybe you and i could meet up for coffee in the rubble sometime?

... said...

I like the way the murky, thick-looking air is lit, as tho things're still burning.
That would be some nasty sulfurous stuff clogging your nostils...

Sara said...

one of my favourite pastimes, you know: imagining the world burning.

Oy said...

I see...

I see a golem (Mother Earth!) revealed, rising from our ruin.

It (She) is completely, utterly -thoroughly! - pissed off.


This is obvious.

(She) reveals copper pincers, held up high, looking for an angle of attack;

(She) reveals bronze wings at her back, fluttering behind Her for a better angle of attack;

(She) conceals iron fangs that are quiet, yet noticable - and yet, hungry - caring not for angles... only for the attack.

Yet still, she brings steel vengeance.



Oy said...

In the layman's terms...

I see fangs.