Saturday, February 6, 2010


i always dream about buildings and water. this is probably the closest i've gotten to depicting a dream... but it still doesn't feel right. they never do.


... said...

Dream environs are tough to put down in words or as pictures... they shift too much to really describe in more than general terms before your eye moves on to something else... specific objects can be very detailed though, sometimes with a horrifying real-ness >:D

String said...

Love where you are going with dream landscapes...I have a very vivid dream of a very dark house...not enough skills to depict it clearly.

Sara said...

string: is it the same house every time? does it change at all? i revisit neighborhoods, but the buildings are always changing.

Oy said...

This is 'Creep'.

This wants an 'Exterminator'.

String said...

Same house EVERY TIME and besides that have now met over seven other people who have been in it...eeeek